Welcome To

City of Earlington


About us

The City of Earlington strives to provide excellent customer service for our residents. Our outstanding public works department, utility collection and billing department strive to be accurate and treat everyone both fairly and equally.

We provide Water, Sewage and garbage pickup services to approximately 1200 customers including business and residential. Our goal is to provide each and every one of our customers with superior service.

Utility bills are mailed on the last business day of the month. Bills are due on the 15th of each month. A 10% late fee will be added to the bill on the 15th of the month at 4:30 PM. All bills that are unpaid by the 24th of the month by 4:30 PM will get a $50 surcharge/disconnect added to their bill. If the 15th or 24th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, you are given the next business day to pay your bill by 4:30 PM. You may pay your bill by mailing it to 103 W. Main, Earlington, KY 42410. We also have a drop box located at the side entrance of our city building.

Frequently asked questions

Please fill out the Disconnect Request Form found on the forms page and return it to our office.

103 W. Main Street
Earlington, KY 42410

Please call the office at (270) 383-5364 or for emergencies only call (270) 399-6923